Friday, June 2, 2017

Poem: "The Way the Soul Arcs"

Delphiniums courtesy of Pixabay

This poem was first published in living with what remains:

              Judith Deem Dupree

A bee has come
to harvest my delphiniums --
circling them,
leaving a halo only I can see.

The blooms are potted
on the sun-streaked deck --
in clay flared slightly
by the hands that held it to the wheel.
Its shape reminds me
of the way my hands cup, rising,
opening in praise
when Grace is nearly palpable.

Blossoms spill in tangled glory
down the earthen jar,
too much glory to define as *blue*.
They break with logic,
with its need for category --
the prompting
to explain, to clarify, compare...

Like the way the soul arcs around
our shaped theology,
searching for that unseen radius
where Glory spills --
as indefinable, as prescient,
as honeyed as the aura of delphinium.